Wednesday 21 November 2012

DNA - Lesson 1

My first response to the play, DNA was excitement at the way it incorporated bullying, young people, fantasy and murder all in a very clever obscure way.

Gangs – dynamics, cruelty, loss of individual identity for the greater good of the clique. I think this is one of the themes in this script and comes across really well.

The main thing I'm looking forward to in DNA is exploring the characters and getting in the mindset of each one. Every actor has the character within them, they just need to find a way of putting themselves in the characters shoes. Not to act it but to become it.

I think the challenges of this project are going to be the fact that a large amount of people are going to be playing a small amount of parts, which means sharing roles. There are 9 roles and around 25 people in my class so it may result in people competing with one another. Although, it may be really good for the production making it refreshing as you see other peoples acting techniques and how each actor takes on the role.

Our script, 28 pages of dialogue that we have to create into an effective production. we have interpret the words given to us and be able to put across the emotion behind them. 

it's really nice to see other actors take on characters from the play and I got a better understanding of them from this video. 

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