Friday 23 November 2012

Nature Vs. Nurture

Many people accuse murderers of being born evil but to be honest I think thats not the case. Things usually happen to make people do bad things. For someone perfectly healthy in the mind, suddenly to kill someone for no reason there must be an underlying cause for this. It's ludicrous to say someones born evil. I think it's definately nuture as i've seen so many people change when moving to different places, being around different people and being brought up by different people. For example, imagine a child, no views or opinions having strongly opinionated racist parents. Of course, some of their views will get passed down to them. Unless they get influenced by there friends and change that opinion. I think the only way nature would be a contributor to us doing bad things and struggling at deciding between right and wrong would be if you were born with a mental illness. So i think it's mainly who your around, what they do around you and how long your around them for.

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