Saturday 15 December 2012

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is when you use your physicality to show something that would usually be shown in words. I worked with Tyler and we devised a piece about a break up. We made the scene truthful by his physicality very stiff and uneasy when I was touching him. whereas mine was very loose and comfortable when around him. We started the piece and I was hugging him and his broke free from the hug. Then Tyler started to walk away and I grabbed his arm, he turned around and left one last kiss on my hand. I held on to the hand that he kissed as he walked away and didn't look back. I think words weren't needed and it taught me to use my physicality more when trying to express emotion. A pair I thought really stood out was Mia and Ella as the hug they shared on stage was so strong and passionate as if the world was about to end. The audience felt a part of there bond because of how much emotion they showed in there physicality. 

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