Friday 23 November 2012

Adams Song

I have chosen this song for Adam as I feel it represents his character as he's fighting for acceptance. 
"But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here;" 
 When being bullied it's common to think that it's your fault, they've made him feel like he doesn't belong in the group and knocked his confidence so much that he thinks he doesn't belong anywhere else. So he's stuck with the only friends he thinks he deserves to have.
"I don't care if it hurts, I wanna have control,"  and "Whatever makes you happy, 
Whatever you want," 
These are key lines in the song. I feel like it sums up what Adam is doing with the group so well. He wants to take control of his life, have friends and feel accepted in at any means possible. Making them happy, doing whatever they asked. The group obviously took advantage of that.
"I want you to notice, When I'm not around,"
These lyrics represent how Adam does anything he can to make them notice him, in the script they all describe him as a 'complete nutter'. Generally people do crazy things for attention and to entertain those around them.
"I wish i was special, your so very special" and "I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul;"
This symbolises how he will do almost anything to feel wanted. How if adam could he would be an absolutely different person. He idolises the group so much, creating the perfect person in his mind and trying to keep the false image up. 

I feel as though these extracts sum up what i'm trying to say:

MARK: "He was terrified, he was completely, but like you know, pretending, you know, pretending he's done it before, big man, pretending he's"

JAN: "You know what he's like, he's"

MARK "Do anything. And your thinking 'Will he do anything? What won't he do'"

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