Friday 23 November 2012


A 'role on the wall' diagram is usually just an outline of a person with information written on it - either inside the outline, or round the edge. It represents the character you're exploring. As an actor it helps us get deeper into the mindset of the character. We chose the character, Adam as we felt it was a very complex character. In the play he is the victim bullying. On the inside of the character we uncovered Adams feelings and thoughts. On the outside we examined how others reacted to Adam. With this technique, we could compare these and get a stronger sense of him as a person, no longer just words on a page. I found out that Adam is pressured to be someone he's not, and he's constantly afraid of being alone so he does these crazy things to be a part of a group out of desperation. 

To watch a video of my groups role on the wall of adam go to:

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