Sunday 16 December 2012

Annotation and Role On The Wall of Jan

Peer Assessment Sheet On TJ and Ella 

Quick Sketch

Self Observation Online Sheet 

P1 Develop a Role and Make Decisions: 
I think I have experimented with playing my character with different interpretations and have decided with evidence within the script which interpretation I think best fits my character.

M1 Develop a Role and Make Considered Decisions About Interpretation with some Insight and Imagination: 
I think I have definatly used Imagination as my character merely used to be words on a page and has now become with some deep thought, something the audience can relate to visually and emotionally. 

D1 Develop a Role Which Shows Effective Use of Imagination and Insight in the Choices and Decisions made about the Interpretation:

From first not knowing my character to knowing what my character would do shows how i've developed my character into someone I understand using my interpretation and insight. I am learning more and more about her each rehearsal. 

P2 Attend Rehearsals and Performances Demonstrating Personal Management and Technical Skills:

I have brought my script to rehearsals which is personal management and learnt my lines part of technical skills. I will develop them through the rehearsal process.

M2 Attend Rehearsals and Performances and Demonstrate Engagement with the Material with Commitment and Concentration:

I engaged in script annotating which incorporated concentration and I committed to uncovering more about my character.

D2 Attend Rehearsals and Performances and Demonstrate a Purposeful Sense of focus on the work throughout: 

I think that I was focused even off stage, giving people advice and help.

Targets of the Week:

  1. Learn Lines. 
  2. Get a better understanding of my character whilst using imagination and insight.
  3. Incorporate technical skills such as physicality and props within my interpretation of my character.

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