Sunday 16 December 2012

Opening Section - Jan

The sequence we did was synchronised and we made the audience a mirror. We got dressed, putting on a hoodie showing her boyish side and how she wants to be tough like the boys and then putting lipgloss and hoops showing how she was still feminine. Best of both worlds and she tries to fit in with both girls and boys. We also made her seem a bit uncomfortable at looking at herself as though she was being someone she's not. This communicates to the audience that she wants to fit in and is a people pleaser.

This is the song we're using for the opening sequences, i loved this record before hand and I think it fits so well. It seems so happy although if you listen to the lyrics is quite sinister. 
The lyrics:

"But he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you" - this could refer to Adam coming back and how he's not actually dead. 

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks 
You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun"  -  they are kids and "pumped up kicks"  actually 
refers to the kids with sneaker pumps in the 1990's, which people stole from others and were even willing to kill over them. In DNA they killed Adam over something just something just as stupid, to feel power and to be accepted. As well as this, you'd better run better run out run my gun could relate to Adam and how he should have gone while he still had the chance. 

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