Sunday 3 February 2013

Common Ground

I watched all three shows in Common Ground and to see actors only a few years older than us be that good was so inspirational. It set the standard for theatre strand! They all used Thrust stage which DNA will be using, I noticed how it was effective in there performances and how spatially aware you have to be. I found Earthquakes in London one of the most enjoyable as it was very contemporary and the jokes came across well to all of the audience members, young and old. All the actors stayed in role throughout the performance, even when it wasn't there scene. The technique that was mind blowing was the rave scene where they were all dancing and when another scene started they all suddenly were dancing in slow motion, it worked because they were so committed. It also showed me that physicality plays a big part in creating your characters image. Welcome to Thebes and Anne Boleyn were both incredible, they have got me very excited for year 13 as they incorporated a brilliant set, music and beautiful costumes to make the performance seem more and more real. As well as this, one of the main things I have taken away from all the performances is that the more risks you take as an actor the more it pays of. The gay kiss in Anne Boleyn and the stripping scene in Earthquakes in London showed actors pushing themselves to the limit, doing whatever it takes to be the character completely. As an audience member it left me dazed at the outstanding performances of those actors and to look forward to mature professional actors as I don't think some people in my year are there quite yet. A big well done to Common Ground 2013!

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