Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Performance

My overall opinion of the performance is that we all worked as a team and everything went close to perfect. I think what went well for me was overcoming illness and looking past it with a a professional mind. Also the weeks of time put in my character, all my thought of physicality and feelings of my character. To put that of stage and to show it off gave me a kind of triumphant feeling. 

I found that Tia was brilliant and showed a very clear and realistic character. She brought energy on stage and bounced off other actors in her scene. She also had great physicality almost leading with the chest showing she was an aggressive character.

Our piece was effective because we were all committed to our character and we also worked very hard in our own time helping each other. The costumes, props and music really brought it to life. 

One of the main strengths of the performance was that everyone knew there lines, we had a few low points where we were in doubt that people would remember there lines but at the end everyone was amazing. Another main strength was the way the other actors learnt to react off each other making a believable performance. 

I think the weakness' of the performances was the fact that it was quite hard not blocking the audience when performing in a Thrust stage and I think that we defiantly still need to learn how to master the thrust stage. As well as this, behind the audience it was very hard when moving to your different stage entrances not to distract the audience with this movement. Maybe the cast could have stood closer to the audience and people that needed to go to the entrances could have walked behind them creating a kind of black curtain using the rest of the cast. As well as this, I found with the feedback I received that the shared characters confused the audience at some points within the show. I don't think there is a solution to this as the number of roles was bigger than the amount of cast members.

Other than that I think everyone deserves a well done! 

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